Education Loan Interest Rate: In this article you Education Loan Interest Rate 2022 will receive information about If you are applying for education loan of any bank, then it is important for you to be aware of the interest rate of education loan of that bank so that you do not face any kind of problem at the time of loan repayment.
Education loan comes under the category of an unsecured loan. You can apply for education loan by visiting any bank. In this article, we will get information about all education loan interest rate, so read this article till the end.
Education Loan Interest Rate in Hindi
Before taking education loan, we need to know about education loan interest rate. Any student of India whether he is studying in India or wants to study outside India can apply for student loan.
You can take this loan for any course or degree. You have to first apply for it by going to the bank from which you want to take education loan. If you are found eligible for the loan then your loan will be approved.
Before applying for education loan, you should pay attention to your CIBIL score. The EMI (Equated Monthly Installment) of the loan depends a lot on the interest rate. if your loan Education Loan Interest Rate If it is less then your EMI will also be less.
EMI is the installment that you have to pay every month. You can calculate the EMI of your loan by visiting the official website of the bank for which you are applying for Education Loan EMI Calculator. The student who is unemployed, if he wants to take this loan, then he will have to give the guardian or parents as a guarantor.
All Student Loan Interest Rates
Here below are the education loan interest rates of top banks. You can compare these and apply for the loan whose interest rate is less for you:
Name of bank | interest rate per annum |
Avance DHFL | 12.65% |
Axis Bank | 13.70% |
Bank of Baroda | 7.70% |
Bank of India | 8.95% |
Bank of Maharashtra | 8.55% |
Canara Bank | 8.50% |
Central Bank of India | 8.50% |
Corporation Bank | 8.80% |
Federal Bank | 10.05% |
IDBI Bank | 6.90% |
Indian Bank | 7.15% |
Indian Overseas Bank | 9.05 % |
Karnataka Bank | 9.85% |
Karur Vysya Bank | 10.60% |
OBC | 7.05 % |
PNB | 7.55 % |
SBI | 7.00 % |
UCO Bank | 9.30% |
Union Bank of India | 8.40% |
United Bank of India | 10.65% |
All Bank Education Loan
Links of education loans of all banks are given below. You can apply by clicking on the bank whose education loan you want to apply for:
HDFC bank | Union Bank |
Avanse Education Loan | Axis Bank |
Bank Of Baroda | bank of india |
Vidyalakshmi Education Loan | SB I |
PNB | ICICI Bank |
Documents for Education Loan
- admit card from educational institution
- Marksheet (Previous Education – School/College)
- age proof
- ID proof
- address proof
- signature proof
- Salary slip
- Recent Bank Account Details
- recent bank details
- Proof of Turnover (Service Tax Return / Sales Receipt)
- filled application form with signature
- ITR with Income Calculation
- audited balance sheet
- latest passport size photograph
- Suitable visa for study abroad
How to apply for education loan?
- First of all you have to bank official website You have to go to the bank in which you want to apply for education loan.
- On the home page of the website, you will see the option of Education loan, click on it.
- On the next page, all the information related to student loan will come in front of you.
- You have to read this information correctly.
- To apply, you have to click on the option of Apply now.
- The loan application form will open in front of you.
- Enter the requested information in the form and submit the form.
- After that the bank employees will contact you and the loan process will be issued further.
In this article we have you Education Loan Interest Rate 2022 Provided complete information about Any student who wants to take a loan to meet his education related needs can apply for education loan.
For more information about the interest rate of education loan, you can also contact your nearest bank branch.
Questions related to education loan interest rate:
After taking a loan from any bank, on repayment of the loan, you have to pay some different amount as interest, which is called interest rate. If you are paying this interest rate for education loan then it is education loan interest rate.
No, you have to pay interest.
Your interest rate starts from the time you get the loan from the bank.